Tuesday, October 11, 2011

on varyings, uniforms and being in over one's head

So, it's been a long time, I KNOW, but in my defense, I have been quite busy, and not just new-father busy, but actual indie-game-dev-wannabe busy, so a little update on how things have been going

I've got bad news and good news. I have joined up with Stanford's Online AI-Class course which has just started this week. Also, I have joined up with a University of Reddit class to Learn Game Programming. What does that mean? It means I have been SUPER busy for the past 2 weeks, and things are unlikely to change any time soon. In fact, they may only get busier in the next 2-3 months, and that is the bad news. On to the good

I have FINALLY managed to port over lesson number 3, that involves passing in information to the shaders, in the form of attributes, and passing them from vertex to fragment shader. This has also made me realise, that I had been doing the whole vertex position passing to the vertex shader in a long way all from the start of lesson 1. What this meant was, I had to go back to lesson 1 and re-write the display code for our lovely triangle. Took me a bit to understand what was going on in order to be able to port it correctly, but thankfully, a few trip to Google & LWJGL docs later, I managed to get it right. Merging forward into the code for lessons 2 & 3 turned out to be a bit easier than expected (THANKS git!)

Having ported over the code to the correct way to pass vertex points to the shaders, I was good to go and continue with porting the lesson 3 code to java/lwjgl

I am very happy with the current progress I have made; I may not be moving as fast as I would have wanted, but at least I'm getting quite a good grasp of the OpenGL programmable pipeline this way. I think this port was probably a good idea

As for the Learn Game Programming (from here on LGP) course, I will try and write more about my progress there as well. As with the lwjgl port, I am also uploading all my source code over at a github repo, and of course, everyone is invited to check it out, fork it and do whatever you want with it

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